Getting Started

A quick start guide to getting up and running with Madcow

Setting Up



mkdir new-madcow-test-project
cd new-madcow-test-project

After extracting the Madcow package you should have a directory structure similar to the below. Each of the folders purpose is explained here also.

|- /conf         (all Madcow configuration files)
|- /lib          (any Madcow plugin extensions)
|- /mappings     (all Madcow mappings data, this folder not exist unless created)
|- /results      (the results of the last Madcow test run, this will not exist until the first run)
|- /templates    (any Madcow resuable test templates that you have created, see Templates)
|- /tests        (all the Madcow test case "Grass" files)
|- runMadcow.bat (script to run Madcow on Windows)
|-  (script to run Madcow on UNIX based OSes) 

Running Madcow

Run the either the or runMadcow.bat scripts from the command line in the root directory of this project directory structure

Running Linux and Mac OSX Script

user@host:~/new-madcow-test-project$ ls -a
.  ..  .madcow  build  conf  lib  runMadcow.bat  test
user@host:~/new-madcow-test-project$ chmod u+x
user@host:~/new-madcow-test-project$ ./

Note the use of chmod in the above example to ensure that you have permissions to run madcow.

Running Windows Script

C:\new-madcow-test-project> runMadcow.bat

Ensuring Madcow 2.0 is Setup Correctly

To ensure that Madcow 2.0 is setup correctly you can simply execute the following command on Mac:

user@host:~/new-madcow-test-project$ ./ --help

or the following on Windows:

C:\new-madcow-test-project> runMadcow.bat --help

It should returns something similar to the below which then means you are all set to start writing your first test cases. Welcome to the wonderful world of Test Automation!

user@host:~/new-madcow-test-project$ ./ --help
usage: runMadcow [options]
 -a,--all                Run all tests
 -c,--conf <conf-file>   Name of the configuration file to use, defaults
                         to madcow-config.xml
 -e,--env <env-name>     Environment to load from the madcow-config.xml
 -h,--help               Show usage information
 -m,--mappings           Generate the Mappings Reference files
 -t,--test <testname>    Comma seperated list of test names
 -v,--version            Show the current version of Madcow

Madcow Upgrades

  1. Remove the Madcow directory (.madcow) from within your Madcow test project
user@host:~/new-madcow-test-project$ rm -rf .madcow
  1. Unzip the Madcow upgrade zip file within your Madcow test project